Water (ISSN 2073-4441) is an international and interdisciplinary open-access journal covering all aspects of water, including water science, technology, management and governance. It publishes original research papers, critical reviews and short communications. There is no restriction on the length of the papers.Full methodical and/or experimental details must be provided for research articles. We encourage scientists to publish their research in as much detail as possible. Computed data or files regarding the full details of the experimental procedure or model set-up, if unable to be published as part of the main manuscript, can be deposited as supplementary material.ScopeThe scope of Water encompasses the following research areas:Water resources management: water resources systems; monitoring, remediation and protection of water resources; water resources planning; adaptive management; water demand management; national and international water policy; water economics.Water governance: institutional arrangements; water law; water rights; property regimes; trans-boundary water issues; water conflict; water politics; water security; history of water resources.Hydrology & hydraulics: catchment hydrology; modelling and remote sensing; climate change & land use change impacts; surface-groundwater interactions; soil water; aquifers; river & groundwater flow; peak and low flows; drought; variability & uncertainty.Water scarcity: water allocation & use; water recycling and reuse; reservoirs; rainwater harvesting; river basin closure; groundwater depletion; drought management.Flood risk: flood modelling; flood impacts; flood risk management; flood protection; flood resilience; flood retention basins; hazard zoning; flood insurance.Water quality: physics, chemistry and biology of water; point-source and diffuse water pollution; transport processes; nutrients; pesticides; metals; pharmaceuticals; erosion and sediment transport; hydro-geochemistry and contaminant hydrogeology.Water & wastewater treatment: water purification; treatment of domestic and industrial wastewater; water reuse; constructed wetlands; treatment wetlands.Urban water management: urban drainage; storm water management; sewerage; local water storage; permeable pavement systems.Water footprint assessment: water consumption & pollution along supply chains; virtual water trade; international water dependencies; sustainability, equitability and efficiency of water use; corporate water disclosure & stewardship; water risk.Water-food: rain-fed and irrigated agriculture; water productivity, irrigation efficiency; aquaculture; hydroponics; aquaponics.Water-energy: water use in energy production; energy use in water supply and treatment; hydropower; integrated water-carbon footprint studies.Water-human development: drinking water supply and sanitation; effects of contaminated water on health; waterborne diseases; water and poverty; water constraints to growth.Water-ecosystems: aquatic ecology; wetlands; environmental water requirements; degradation of aquatic ecosystems; preservation; restoration; environmental impacts of dams and other infrastructure; invasive species.
《水》(ISSN 2073-4441)是一本國際性、跨學科的開放獲取期刊,涵蓋了水的所有方面,包括水科學、技術、管理和治理。它發表原創的研究論文、批判性評論和簡短的交流。這篇論文的篇幅沒有限制。研究論文必須提供完整的方法和/或實驗細節。我們鼓勵科學家盡可能詳細地發表他們的研究成果。關于實驗過程或模型建立的全部細節的計算數據或文件,如果不能作為主要手稿的一部分發表,可以作為補充材料存放。范圍水的范圍包括下列研究領域:水資源管理:水資源系統;水資源監測、整治和保護;水資源規劃;適應性管理;水需求管理;國家和國際水政策;水經濟。水治理:制度安排;水;水權;財產制度;跨境水資源問題;水沖突;水政治;水安全;水資源歷史。水文與水力學:集水區水文;建模和遙感;氣候變化與土地利用變化的影響地表-地下水相互作用;土壤水分;蓄水層;河流及地下水流量;高峰流量和低谷流量;干旱;可變性和不確定性。水資源短缺:水資源配置與利用;水循環再用;水庫;雨水收集;流域關閉;地下水枯竭;干旱管理。洪水風險:洪水模型;洪水影響;洪水風險管理;防洪;洪水的彈性;洪水保留盆地;危險區域劃分;洪水保險。水質:水的物理、化學和生物學;點源污染和擴散水污染;運輸過程;營養物質;農藥;金屬;藥品;侵蝕和泥沙搬運;水文地球化學與污染水文地質學。水及廢水處理:水凈化;生活及工業廢水的處理;水的重用;人工濕地;處理濕地。城市水管理:城市排水;雨水管理;污水;當地水儲存;透水路面系統。水足跡評估:供應鏈上的水消耗和污染;虛擬水貿易;國際水資源的依賴性;水資源利用的可持續性、公平性和效率;公司水資源披露與管理;水的風險。水產品:雨養灌溉農業;水分生產力、灌溉效率;水產養殖;水培法;水生植物。水能:能源生產用水;供水和處理的能源使用;水電;綜合水碳足跡研究。水人發展:飲用水供應和衛生;受污染的水對健康的影響;水源性疾病;水和貧困;水對生長的限制。水生態系統:水生生態;濕地;水環境要求;水生生態系統退化;保存;恢復;水壩和其他基礎設施對環境的影響;入侵物種。
大類學科 | 分區 | 小類學科 | 分區 | Top期刊 | 綜述期刊 |
環境科學與生態學 | 4區 | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 環境科學 WATER RESOURCES 水資源 | 4區 4區 | 否 | 否 |
JCR分區等級 | JCR所屬學科 | 分區 | 影響因子 |
Q2 | WATER RESOURCES | Q2 | 3.53 |