African Natural History is a new research journal published by Iziko Museums of Cape Town. It replaced The Annals of the South African Museum. The museum houses important African zoology, palaeontology and archaeology collections. The journal will add to the knowledge of natural world and promote its conversation.The journal focuses on the natural history of Africa including anthropology, archeology, geology, paleontology, entomology, and vertebrate and invertebrate zoology.The journal is listed in WoS – Science Citation Index Expanded and publishes one issue per annum with 2–4 articles.
《非洲自然史》是開普敦Iziko博物館最新出版的研究期刊。它取代了南非博物館的編年史。該博物館收藏了重要的非洲動物學、古生物學和考古學收藏品。該雜志將增加自然世界的知識,并促進其對話。該雜志側重于非洲的自然歷史,包括人類學,考古學,地質學,古生物學,昆蟲學,脊椎動物和無脊椎動物動物學。該期刊被列入WoS -科學引文索引擴展,每年出版一期,有2-4篇文章。