Archives of Environmental Protection is the oldest Polish scientific journal of international scope that publishes articles on engineering and environmental protection. The quarterly has been published by the Institute of Environmental Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences since 1975. The journal has served as a forum for the exchange of views and ideas among scientists. It has become part of scientific life in Poland and abroad. The quarterly publishes the results of research and scientific inquiries by best specialists hereby becoming an important pillar of science. The journal facilitates better understanding of environmental risks to humans and ecosystems and it also shows the methods for their analysis as well as trends in the search of effective solutions to minimize these risks. The journal is indexed by Thomson Reuters services (Biological Abstract, BIOSIS Previews) and has an Impact Factor of 0.855Similarity Check Plagiarism Screening SystemThe editorial board is participating in a growing community of Similarity Check System's users in order to ensure that the content published is original and trustworthy. Similarity Check is a medium that allows for comprehensive manuscripts screening, aimed to eliminate plagiarism and provide a high standard and quality peer-review process.
《環境保護檔案》是波蘭最古老的國際性科學期刊,刊載有關工程和環境保護的文章。該季刊自1975年以來一直由波蘭科學院環境工程研究所出版。該雜志是科學家們交流意見和想法的論壇。它已經成為波蘭和國外科學生活的一部分。該季刊發表了由最優秀的專家進行的研究和科學調查的結果,因此成為科學的一個重要支柱。該雜志有助于更好地了解人類和生態系統所面臨的環境風險,并展示了分析這些風險的方法以及尋找有效解決辦法以盡量減少這些風險的趨勢。該期刊由湯森路透服務(Thomson Reuters services, Biological Abstract, BIOSIS Previews)編制索引,影響因子為0.855相似度檢查抄襲篩選系統編輯委員會正在參與一個不斷增長的社區相似度檢查系統的用戶,以確保發布的內容是原創的和值得信賴的。相似度檢查是一種媒介,允許全面的手稿篩選,旨在消除抄襲,并提供一個高標準和高質量的同行審查過程。