Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science is a well-established journal that has been in publication for over fifty years. The Journal publishes papers over the entire range of agronomy and soil science. Manuscripts involved in developing and testing hypotheses to understand casual relationships in the following areas:plant nutritionfertilizersmanuresoil tillagesoil biotechnology and ecophysiologyameliorationirrigation and drainageplant production on arable and grass landagroclimatologylandscape formation and environmental management in rural regionsmanagement of natural and created wetland ecosystemsbio-geochemical processessoil-plant-microbe interactions and rhizosphere processessoil morphology, classification, monitoring, heterogeneity and scalesreuse of waste waters and biosolids of agri-industrial origin in soil are especially encouraged.As well as original contributions, the Journal also publishes current reviews.Peer Review Statement: Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science is an international, peer-reviewed journal which publishes high quality, original research contributions to scientific knowledge. All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double blind and submission is online via Scholar One Manuscripts.
《農學與土壤科學檔案》是一份具有50多年歷史的成熟期刊。該雜志發表的論文涵蓋了農學和土壤科學的全部領域。手稿涉及發展和測試假設,以了解在以下領域的偶然關系:植物營養化肥肥料土壤耕作土壤生物技術與生態生理學改進灌溉和排水在可耕地和草地上種植作物農業氣象學農村景觀形成與環境管理管理自然和人工濕地生態系統bio-geochemical流程土壤-植物-微生物相互作用和根際過程土壤形態、分類、監測、非均質性和尺度特別鼓勵在土壤中重復利用農業工業產生的廢水和生物油。除了原創文章,該雜志還發表最新的評論。同行評審聲明:《農學與土壤科學檔案》是一本國際性的同行評議期刊,出版高質量的原創科學研究成果。所有提交的稿件都要經過編輯的初步評估,如果發現適合進一步考慮,還要經過獨立的、匿名的專家評審。所有的同行評審都是雙盲的,通過Scholar One手稿在線提交。