Bragantia is edited by the Instituto Agron?mico of the Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios of the Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento of the S?o Paulo State, aiming at publishing original scientific papers by experts in the Agricultural Sciences.Bragantia is published under the Open Access model. Therefore, our publications can be openly and freely accessed. To briefly refer to the journal, the short title Bragantia is recommended, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.The journal is published since 1941, becoming biannual from 1984 and quarterly from 2001. Since 2005, it is published four times a year.It is affiliated to the Associa??o Brasileira de Editores Científicos (ABEC - the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors).
《布拉岡蒂亞》由圣保羅州農業科學秘書處農業科學研究所編輯,旨在出版農業科學專家的原始科學論文。Bragantia是在開放存取模型下發布的。因此,我們的出版物可以公開和自由存取。為了簡要地參考該期刊,建議在書目、腳注、書目參考文獻和條帶中使用短標題Bragantia。該雜志自1941年起出版,1984年為半年度,2001年為季刊。自2005年以來,它每年出版四次。它隸屬于巴西科學編輯協會(ABEC -巴西科學編輯協會)。