IEEE Magnetics Letters is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering the physics and engineering of magnetism, magnetic materials, applied magnetics, design and application of magnetic devices, biomagnetics, magneto-electronics, and spin electronics. It publishes short articles of up to four pages in length and is a hybrid open access journal. The editor-in-chief is Ron B. Goldfarb (National Institute of Standards and Technology.
IEEE磁力通訊是一份同行評議的科學期刊,涵蓋了磁性物理和工程、磁性材料、應用磁學、磁性器件的設計和應用、生物磁學、磁電子學和自旋電子學。它發表長達四頁的短文,是一種混合的開放獲取期刊。主編Ron B. Goldfarb(國家標準與技術研究所)。