Mires and Peat is a peer-reviewed internet journal focusing specifically on mires, peatlands and peat. As a truly “free-to-users” publication (i.e. NO CHARGES to authors OR readers), it is immediately accessible to readers and potential authors worldwide. It is published jointly by the International Peatland Society (IPS) and the International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG).Mires and Peat publishes high-quality research papers on all aspects of peatland science, technology and wise use, including:ecology, hydrology, survey, inventory, classification, functions and values of mires and peatlands;scientific, economic and human aspects of the management of peatlands for agriculture, forestry, nature conservation, environmental protection, peat extraction, industrial development and other purposes;biological, physical and chemical characteristics of peat; andclimate change and peatlands.Short communications and review articles on these and related topics will also be considered; and suggestions for special issues of the Journal based on the proceedings of conferences, seminars, symposia and workshops will be welcomed. The submission of material by authors and from countries whose work would otherwise be inaccessible to the international community is particularly encouraged.As an additional service to readers, Mires and Peat will also publish selected short reviews of relevant books. Please contact the Editor if you wish to suggest a title for review.
Mires and Peat是一份同行評議的互聯網雜志,專門關注Mires、泥炭地和泥炭。作為一個真正的“免費提供給用戶”的出版物(即不向作者或讀者收費),它可以立即被世界各地的讀者和潛在作者訪問。它由國際泥炭地協會(IPS)和國際沼澤保護組織(IMCG)聯合出版。Mires and Peat出版關于泥炭地科學、技術和明智利用各方面的高質量研究論文,包括:沼澤、泥炭地的生態學、水文學、調查、整理、分類、功能和價值;用于農業、林業、自然保護、環境保護、泥炭開采、工業發展和其他目的的泥炭地管理的科學、經濟和人文方面;泥炭的生物學、物理和化學特性;和氣候變化和泥炭地。還將審議關于這些和有關主題的簡短通訊和審查文章;并歡迎根據會議、研討會、專題討論會和講習班的記錄對該期刊的特刊提出建議。特別鼓勵作者和來自國際社會否則無法進行其工作的國家提交材料。作為對讀者的額外服務,Mires和Peat還將出版相關書籍的精選短篇評論。如果您想建議一個標題供評審,請與編輯聯系。
大類學科 | 分區 | 小類學科 | 分區 | Top期刊 | 綜述期刊 |
環境科學與生態學 | 4區 | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 環境科學 | 4區 | 否 | 否 |
JCR分區等級 | JCR所屬學科 | 分區 | 影響因子 |