Australian Forestry is published by Taylor & Francis for the Institute of Foresters of Australia (IFA) for scientific, technical, and professional communication relating to forestry in the Asia Pacific.Australian Forestry publishes new and significant scientific and technical papers, topic reviews, suitably argued opinions, short communications and book reviews on topics related to forest research, management, policy, products and services. It seeks contributions relating to forest management at scales from industrial to agro and urban forestry and across tenures from wood production to conservation. Emphasis is placed on strengthening its role as a major publishing outlet in the Asia Pacific with a special interest in papers relating to the knowledge and management and use of Australian forest species globally.Peer review policyThe Editorial Panel evaluates the suitability of manuscripts for publication. All papers submitted to the journal will be reviewed by referees nominated by the panel. Criteria for the assessment of papers centre on the suitability of the topic for publication in Australian Forestry: technical and scientific quality of the work, clarity and conciseness of presentation, appropriateness of the conclusions on the basis of the evidence presented, and suitability of the material for printing. The Editor will make the final decision concerning acceptance or rejection of a paper.
《澳大利亞林業》由Taylor & Francis為澳大利亞林務人員協會(IFA)出版,旨在與亞太地區林業相關的科學、技術和專業交流。澳大利亞林業出版有關森林研究、管理、政策、產品和服務的新的和重要的科學和技術論文、專題評論、適當辯論的意見、簡短的通訊和書評。它尋求從工業到農業和城市林業以及從木材生產到養護的各個時期的大規模森林管理方面的貢獻。重點放在加強其作為亞太地區一個主要出版機構的作用,并對有關全球澳大利亞森林物種的知識、管理和利用的論文特別感興趣。同行審查政策編輯小組評估手稿是否適合出版。所有提交給《華爾街日報》的論文將由評審團提名的評審人員進行評審。評價論文的標準集中于該題目是否適合在澳大利亞林業出版:工作的技術和科學質量、表述的明確性和簡潔性、根據提出的證據得出結論的適當性以及印刷材料的適宜性。編輯將對論文的接受或拒絕做出最終決定。