時間:2024年06月20日 分類:SCI論文百科 次數:
第一、IET Intelligent Transport Systems
是本由英國工程技術學會(IET)于2007年創辦的月刊,現在由Wiley出版。分區及期刊排名:IET Intelligent Transport Systems位于工程技術大類4區,運輸科技小類4區。非綜述期刊,分區Q1區。
可以看到,該刊的年刊文量一直保持著穩定增長的趨勢。其中綜述的占比很小。穩定增長的刊發量對其進一步提升影響因子有著重要的意義,這也展現出IET Intelligent Transport Systems作為本領域一本優刊,很值得關注。
eTransportation國際交通電動化雜志2022 IF為11.9,5年影響因子高達15.4,蟬聯全球交通科學與技術領域SCI期刊第1名。列入中科院學術期刊工程技術領域Q1區的TOP期刊目錄。
1IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine
2Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
3IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
4IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
5Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies
6Vehicular Communications
7IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine
8International Journal of Engine Research
9Networks & Spatial Economics
10Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
11Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D-Journal of Automobile Engineering
12IET Intelligent Transport Systems
14International Journal of Automotive Technology
15Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F-Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit
16Journal of Advanced Transportation
17Journal of Transportation Engineering
18Transportation Research Record
19Transportation Planning and Technology
20International Journal of Vehicle Design
21PROMET-Traffic & Transportation
22Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport
23ITE Journal-Institute of Transportation Engineers
24International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems